Vision, Mission and Objectives

परिकल्पना (Vision)

समुदायमा आधारित दिगो, विश्वासिलो र सक्षम बित्तिय संस्था ।
A Community-based ,sustainable,efficient and trusted financial institution.

ध्येय (MISSION)

समुदायका धेरै महिला सदस्य भएको छिटो, सरल, प्रतिस्प्रधात्मक रुपमा बचत, ऋण, बिप्रेषण तथा अन्य सेवाहरु प्रदान गर्ने वित्तिय सहकारी संस्था ।
A financial cooperative enterprise with most female members rendering its quick, competent and customer-friendly services in arias of saving, loan and remittance.

उद्देश्य (Objectives)